Saturday, June 9, 2012

Now that introductions are out of the way, let me tell you about today.  I got to sleep in, so that's always a plus!!  Mr. M nursed all night long, no really, all night.  He didn't stop at all except to switch sides.  SO Sleeping in was a wonderful blessing!!  Once I was up and had my coffee, I called my mom.  I usually call her every day :).  She told me that she was surprised by my aunt M with a visit!  My aunt M is only 5 years older than me, and we have always had a really close relationship, SO I was excited and insisted on going down there or them coming up here.  My mom then told me that one of our dogs was dying.  Little Sophie did end up passing today.  I have a really hard time with death, as I am sure a lot of people do.  IT's so hard to wrap your mind around someone being here, and then....they are just gone.  In my family, our pets are our children and our siblings.  They are TRULY a part of us and of our family.  Little Sophie was such a sweet dog.  When she was a puppy, she ONLY had eyes for my mom.  I would hold her up to my face and say, "Oh SOPHIE, I LOVE you!!"  She would then try to bite my face off!!  Ha!!  I will miss that little girl.  Sassie, her sister died 2 years ago in March, and their mama died the year before that in March.  :(

SO, on to the rest of the day.  Enough of the sad stuff.  Mr. J decided to paint his nails with my blue fingernail polish, SO OF COURSE Mr. P thinks he needs to do the same.  I had no idea any of this was happening.  I was nursing Mr. M, and told the big boys to go brush their teeth.  I went in to supervise and found Mr. on the bathroom counter painting his itty bitty nails blue, and much of his fingers.  I then see he has a huge GLOB of BLUE in his hair.  Great.....his beautiful blonde locks now have to be cut.  I start with the clippers in the back.  I am almost done with the back when my hand grazes the blue gunk.  It's toothpaste.  His hands and feet are covered in nail polish, but somehow it's toothpaste in his hair.  I have begun to cut his hair, that I LOVE long, for no reason.  SO THANKFUL the boys went to bed so well for me tonight.  Bald little P, and sweet little J didn't get up once.  <3

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